anti-pollution when did it start

Look what this clean air regulations did, more factory jobs in Mexico vs the USA .

We might be doing our part but Russia and china sure aren't. Those coal plants in the USA are still dirty as F .

Valuable land is around all coastal areas now, if Long Island were to flood and be gone forever, millions-billions would be wiped out. If it can be prevent from happening for a few thousand years from a few hundred well I can understand government thinking long term. Manhattan is also a island, this is why the USA is so worry about raising water levels

Only thing is I own no land in L.I. and I will be dead in 300 years, so why should I care, lol. There is still lots of land that is too cold to live on 24/7, those areas may open up and be inhibited.

Its funny how lots of that cold uninhibited land lays in Canada and just now Canada is pulling out of Kyoto Protocol