anti-pollution when did it start

Kladen - in Ontario, smog laws only pertain to cars made after 1988. Maybe Quebec will be the same. OH, George R - Jimmy Carter lost the next election, and we got global warming!

Yeah for the most part in rust belt areas, they only go back 25-30 years. Nevada goes way back to 1967 but they are desert-dry climates, cars last much longer.

I would be surprise if Quebec cracks down on the pre-1975 cars. Those are very few on the roads and not driven year round.

The press might say one thing but what happens isn't always what the press says. Grand Rapids Michigan ten years back said smog testing will be happening, then a few days before it was to happen it was scarp--never ever happen.

Its just so you get rid of your cars or clean them up...which some folks did in Grand Rapids