Rotisserie Advice needed.

Boxing day well spent. You might say I "rolled" the car onto the engine/stand. I was out by 1/8" but was able to suck it up with the K bolts...BTW anyone know the torque for the K member bolts?

The car is fully supported by the rotisserie now with the engine, trans & diff installed (safety stands in place too). I have to fabricate the transmission mount next and after that follow the TTI headers instructions to the letter and see how that works out. I'm a bit leary about how easy TTI headers are suposed to fit. All & any advice would be greatly appreciated on TTI installation.

Once that is done we are going to very, very, ver cautiously roll the over 90 degree and support. I may weld supports to the rotisserie for feel good as thecar will bestayingthat wayfor some time for fit and form.

Stay tunned................

I retired just before Christmas so I'm working on the car everyday,,,great new job but, it cost money insted of making it...:wack: