1972 Duster Project

Well after 2 weeks of penetrating oil, breaker bars and torching I finally got the last header bolt loosened up. The old Hooker "Competition" design only allowed a straight shot (socket with extension) on 4 of the 12 bolts. The remaining 7 required the use of a variety of boxend combo wrenches with breaker bar persuasion. As is often the case, the first 11 came loose without problems after soaking in penetrating oil for a few days. But that last one, the driver's side rear really sucked.

This one:

This mother required repeated applications of penetrating oil, and 3 treatments with the torch. It started to round off when using the 12 point combo wrench, so I picked up a 6 point one. That did the trick. Thankfully I did not break any of the bolts. Those of you that have know just how fun that is...Not!

Sooo...I can finally get back on track and start digging into the steering gearbox replacement. Will post pics of my progress, trials and tribulations for your amusement. LOL!
