anti-pollution when did it start

IMO it was HARDER to get away with stuff back in the old days. Cops watched the roads better and went after more things. Like how high your hood scoop is, too high it blocks your vision, today tall hood scoops are cool to many cops. Rear bumpers could not be too high up, today who cares, if it looks good its OK. Cops used to have DB sound meters, today you can have a car louder then ever and if you drive it slow its OK many places.

Cops used to noticed more stuff also, I ran 2 stop signs this summer a few weeks apart and then noticed a cop car 10--15 cars back, both times nothing happen. In the old days cops would have noticed it, today they are busy with their computers or their head is in a cloud like many drivers. Prescription medicines are such wide spread use, so many folks are on happy pills or something. Look at that Viagra pills, even young healthy athletes have been documented using sildenafil, believing the opening of their blood vessels will enrich their muscles. In turn, they believe that it will enhance their performance.

It all has side effects, Viagra messes up your vision.

I'm almost 50 and don't need any drugs, thank god. My folks are near 80 and take just aspirin and my dad also takes cholesterol pills, that is it. How it used to be and people seemed to been more alert back in the old days.......