High School Rides

I bought this late 1988 when I was 16. 1970 original 340 duster Windson Ont. built. No brakes. No kidding we used our feet to stop it to get it home. Big holes in the mufflers the day these pictures were taken. My dad (a cop) was frustrated because he could hear I started it and revved it up while he and my mom were out on a walk. I took it to school auto shop where my auto shop teacher well into his 60's at the time and made my car a huge part of our auto shop class. I got to work on it any free time I had at school. Biggest problem was finding Kelsey Hayes rebuild kits from the Chrysler dealer that cost me over $300 back in 1988. We did a ton of work because even back then you had to get your car "certified" for the road in Ontario Canada. The day I finally got it certified I hit 140+mph on the 150mph speedo more than once. This was one of the fastest cars in town for the next couple years and the fastest at Sir James Dunn C&VS to the joy and dismay of the Principal of the school over that time (there are separate stories there). The car had loops under the driveshaft and NHRA stickers on the 1/4 windows. I wish I knew its history and want it back bad if its possible.