Do you think this is worth $5000

boy, where do i go to sell hese engines!. i need to move out west!. 4k for a basically stock 440 and trans? what the fak? get out of here. i see and hear so much crap on here!. a rebuild kit costs like 200.00 whhere do you see 4-5k?

any local yard here gets 500.00 for a good running/rebuildable engine/727 trans. and if you hit the u pull it, the engines are 165.00 and 80 for trans!. performer intake, cam, and headers do not make up the difference, even if they are new, let alone being used.lmao

Notice the word IF. Going by what the original post had didnt specifiy if things were newer or old. I said if the DRIVE TRAIN not just the motor. Engine, trans, rear. And please show me a 440 rebuild kit for $200. As rebuildable cores yes you are correct. I was assuming things may have been rebuilt as the trans says Rebuilt.