once again DC prooves to be stupid

I hafta agree with the BillyBBad, the Chrysler 300 is just pure butt ugly. It's the pecanese of the car world. Something out of a cartoon. It looks like the car slammed into a brick wall, knocking a piano onto its roof as a truck slams into the back end. Throw a Hemi into and its supposed to impress me. Well it doesn't.

As far as the Charger goes, I was one of the biggest fans of the prototype Charger . I have collected all kinds of memorabilia over the years and had decided that I would buy one as soon as it hit the market. What the Hell happened ? They produced that pile of junk. With so many people that had wrote into DC saying to produce the car(protoype). How the did they get so far off mark from what appeared to be a proven winner.

They had a chance to build the prototype and get into competition with the new mustang and with a Hemi in it, it could have easily claimed supremancy in looks and power. They sure screwed that one up !!!!

I used to feel DC made some of the best looking cars of the day. Not any more. They make a truck and ...er, a truck, and if you didn't get a truck, you could always get a...er.... truck.

Not much else worth looking at. Too bad.