Cleaning Aluminum Valve Covers

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.
I have come to the conclusion that these covers need to be media blasted in order for them to be any kind of "silver" color. I think they've been blasted once before, and with the rough surface they have, nothing else will clean them up well.

If Leanna was close to me, I would be there today with them, but if I factor in shipping both ways, it will cost twice as much to have her work her magic on them as opposed to having them done locally, plus the time that I will have to wait for them to get back to me. I'm not saying that I'm not going to send them to her, but I'm going to check a few local shops and see what they'll charge to bead blast them, or walnut shell blast them first. If it's going to be the same cost or very close, I'll send them to Leanna.

Money is VERY scarce around there right now, and I probably shouldn't even be spending any money on these right now. I had to sell a lot of parts a few months ago to help buy Christmas gifts for the kids, thats how tight we're running the house right now.

Thanks again for all the help & suggestions! I'll keep all of ya's posted.
