The Other 68 Dart Resto Project

OK, finally some more progress!

I started the day by doing something I have avoided doing for 6 months, removing the window trim of the front and back glass. I started to do the back on about 4 months ago and gave up after trying unsucessfully prying on it for two hours, the trim is in perfect shape and I did not want to damage it. Since it has not removed itself, despite my hoping so, I decided to tackle it Monday morning.

Well, 1/2 hour into struggling with the trim clips *SNAP* my trim tool broke. F**K! I decided to save a little time, by welding it back together instead of driving to the parts store to get a new one. 45 minutes later it was done, I was prod of my custom gusset and all the welding and gringing I did. :D I took it back over the window, shoved it under the trim and *SNAP!* :angry5: I chucked that tool out the garage door, got in my truck, and drove to O'reiley's. 30 minutes later, I was back home with a tool much nicer than the first one, and it cost $4 less. Sometimes you learn the hard way. :tard:

Ok, 3 hour later (yes I said 3 hours), I finally got the front and rear trim off with minimal damage. It took all of my brain power and fingertip muscle to get trim off that had 38 year old butyl rubber baked on the bottom of it. But, good news, no rust!











