Got My First Warning For Having Junk Car(s) On My Property!

With all that wine he's got 'stashed' ...... does he have an ABC license for that?? Isn't there a law 'somewhere' that prohibits having a lot of alcohol on property.....just think of the fire hazard this would create along with the toilet paper........what a fire hazard and danger to you and family (including your car) have a right to protect what is yours. Be kinda fun to see him 'wiggle' out of that situation.........Hell, I think I'd do it just for the fun of it.......since he's giving so much grief.....really nothing to loose.

I got to thinking.........maybe you should mow your yard everyday (just the front yard) so the butt of a neighbor will hear the noise....(mower with a lot of noise).....maybe do some weedeating along the curb....(noisy machine).....take a leaf blower (with a lot of noise) and get rid of the clippings (in his direction of course)....maybe do a tune up on your lawn mower (no muffler...noisy!!) very often, I think you get the they have an ordinance about mowing your yard and keeping it looking nice.....everyday!?!?!?.....

Luckily, I live in a small rural area where there is a lot of 'car buff's' here......our chief of police is a motorcycle nut......and a great guy.
Give 'em a taste of his own medicine.......go for it moparJ.
Good Luck!!!!!!!