Wheel Noises

What you're describing sure sounds like TREAD SEPARATION.
If it is, and you keep driving around on it, it WILL come apart. Not if, but when, and when it does, if you're lucky you get to replace the now treadless tire carcass with your spare and be on your way (actually the tread doesn't have to come completely off the carcass, but you can be sure anything wrong with the tire that lets the air out suddenly, can and most probably will, put a damper on the rest of your day). Not so lucky and you get to have the now wadded up into a ball remains of your car taken home for you. If you are really unlucky, you'll also get to pay for everything else taken out while your car played Transformer (being transformed from a vehicle into a bowling ball in this case).
Do yourself and everyone else a favor, take the car down to a tire store (preferably one you trade at and trust). Have them pull ALL the tires and in addition to visually checking them, put them on their balancer and spin them. Even if the tire's belts haven't broken through the outside of the carcass, spinning will show a broken belt or separated tread.
Thorough chassis inspection while the car is on a lift would be a good idea also to rule out bad CV joints, etc.

Tires are practically new...