Compressor Wiring

I recently acquired a used 80-gallon air compressor for my garage. Got a smokin' deal on it, but it comes with a challenge (at least for me). When it was removed from its previous permanent home, it was not removed with the wiring intact. All of the wiring was either removed or cut. I am no electrician, I'll say that right up front, but I am also not afraid of it. Just needing a little help. The unit has a big industrial grade motor to drive the compressor and has a magnetic starter for the motor. There is also a pressure switch to kick on the motor when the tank pressure drops. I assume that the source power goes directly into the mag starter box, which then ties to the motor. The question does the pressure switch figure into the circuit. Does it go between the source and the starter or between the starter and the motor?

I can certainly help with any additional information if needed that would be helpful. Thanks in advance. L8r