Wish me luck back surgery 7am Wednesday

Thanks everyone for the kind words and prayers. Well the surgery went fine and I'm surprised how well I'm doing already. I came out of it right after they were done, spent an hour in recovery and then went to a room for 5 hrs taking intermittent walks down the hall, had breakfast and was discharged leaving about 3pm. Walking and standing I feel fine but sitting in a chair is tender on the back still if I lean back but that's to be expected. I was able to sleep last night on my side in our bed suprisingly getting some sleep.

Taking Ibuprofen, a muscle relaxer and hydrocodone if needed for the pain but pain is minimal so I'll probably just take the pain pill for a few days. I think the Ibuprofen will do the job after that for any minor soreness.

The surgeon was very happy that everything went well and I'm praying for a full recovery with no future problems. Back issues aren't very fun!