Tools- I guess I'm the one that's crazy

I would like to know if I'm the one that's wrong here.

I will loan tools out to anyone who takes care of them, and brings them back w/o me asking when the job is done.

If I find out that my tools are borrowed and then used by that person to make money, then I don't loan to that person anymore. (latest case in point: my super-expensive 35' green bull fiberglass extension ladder).

If you want to make a living w/your hands, you do it the way I did, save and buy, or rent. Don't put your wear and tear on MY stuff.

now, the real problem:

My Sister in Law's boyfriend is storing a bunch of big tools at my hose for lack of room at her house. (trash pump/generator/cement mixer/etc). I moved some things off site to my secondary storage to make room for my crap.

He called wanting his tile saw. I said it would be a day and a half before I could go get it. Apparently this caused the SIL to get bent and call wifey.

My 1st impulse is to recommend all non-my stuff gets gone.

But guess what? my wife seems to think there's a problem with me, she sees my tool loaning policy at odds with how I handle the indefinite no-rent tool storage.

My head hurts. Someone tell me how to handle this.