PSC Garage Poster -- Choose Your Favorite

I'm sorry if i offended you but that was what i thought soon as i looked at the photo choices, as i looked at the choices of photos you stand out as the attention getter then the car and the wording is an afterthought some folks may not ever get past the long legs and smile, [ok back on topic]I know this is an advertisement for your business but it don't do much good if no one reads it. Ya'll know her i don't so if i'm a guy who wants some powder coating done an i see that advertisement [first impressions are lasting ones] i probly would not even ask for an estamate just because it don't look professional to me. Don't get me wrong don't want to see her in coveralls all dirty but i think dressing a little more conservitive would be applicable in this case and some of the product should be infused into the photo. My first impression of the choices given,i never saw the writing just red shoes and long legs and daisy dukes which would be ok if it were for an online dating site but not for business advertisement. And again i mean no offence and if these are just garage wall art then nevermind any of what i said and i choose all of them


Best advice so far. Well stated.