PSC Garage Poster -- Choose Your Favorite

After seeing what hemitheus came up with yesterday just in his first drafts (I saw them and my first words were very unladylike LOL), I can now say with total conviction that my personal attempts at this are beyond lame. Just wait and see!!! And nooooo, you can't see it yet. Neener neener!!! :-D

Lou, please understand I wasn't offended at all by your comments (I look like a woman on the outside but I surely don't think like one). It's that kind of opinion that I'm truly looking for and I admire you for sharing it. Honesty goes a longggg way with me! And Lord knows I want this to turn out great and be very well received regardless of how it gets there.

In the meantime, I can assure you all that this poster is going to feature the shop, there will be no mistake that it's an advertisement rather than just fluffy cheesecake, and it's going to knock everybody's socks off. This project couldn't be in better hands. Please keep the suggestions coming though! 23,000+ heads are better than two. :-D

But, But, I like cheesecake.
Debby makes awesome cheesecake, it's her Grandma's recipe, she's been experimenting with different toppings...........