Timing Question

I figured when it was at top dead center that the damper was close to zero and only maybe two or 3° off at the most and would work out once the vehicle was running and timed. With it being a fairly stock motor I didn't think the two or 3° difference was going to make that much of a difference in the timing. Which it hadn't with the old distributor and pertronics. Ever since I switched to a new distributor with Mopar electronic ignition and an orange box this is when the problems started. So I'm at a loss to come up with an answer why it still pings.

Still scratching my head over this. I am obviously overlooking something just not sure what.

OK, but what I'm saying is, what method did you use? If you used a piston stop or dial indicator, OK. But if you just simply "brought a piston up" and sort of eyeballed it, that is no where near accurate.