My WalMart carries AR-15's

One year ago today Jared Lee Loughner stop at a Wal Mart, Mart confirmed that Loughner tried to buy ammunition at one of its stores but was refused service due to "strange behavior,"...

Blah, blah, blah...

...He went on and killed 6 people--a 9 year old girl was one victim.

So when I hear Wal Mart and guns, I can't help but think of Loughner--who had legally brought his guns and bullets.

An 86-year-old man who drove his mid-size Buick through a crowded farmers' market Wednesday told police he couldn't stop and may have hit the accelerator instead of the brake, Santa Monica Police Chief James T. Butts Jr. said.

Nine people were killed, including a 3-year-old girl, authorities said. The more than 54 hurt include 14 people with critical injuries, they said. Two of those critically injured are under the age of 2.

"He said that he tried to brake and he couldn't stop the vehicle," Butts said.

**** happens???