Project- Bills Buggy

well... figured I would update the Buggy thread a little.. As usual, a bunch of other regular life issues put the project into limbo..had a holiday money crisis (as most of us do and did) .. then my buddy Bruce who is one the most important members of the project team, his dad passed away.. and family (no matter whos family on the team) is always WAY more important than the hot rod... we finally got back on it some this week.. I found a fender with better body lines than the one we worked on all those months.. down side is it has holes on the top, on the rail that bolts it to the inner, and the usual rot at the bottom (just below the pentastar) .. Bruce however told me that he could graft in the good, from the top and bottom of my other fender, and with only a minimal amount of mud, this fender in the long run will be way better than the other.. I am no fabricator, so this is all on him LOL .. I have heard plenty of stories about people making good panels out of 2 or 3 bad ones... So I will get pics as I can and keep you all up to date on how it goes.. wish me luck LOL