lost oil pressure

Ok, pulled the intake and valley. #3 intake lifter laying in the valley, pushrod not bent, roller rocker ok. Had this happen on a Ford 300 6 years ago, all I could figure out was the lifter collapsed over night, giving the clearance to toss the pushrod.

But this happened within 1/2 hour, while we changed springs on the Eddy carb. Any suggestions. experiences? 400 miles on all new parts.

I Nailed it! I dont think the lifter can collapse enough to unseat the pushrod, did you have a preload on it? Glad it was something EZ and free (well, maybe those paper gaskets on the used valley pan...)

are your roller lifters bar retainer style or slotted lifter bore? Small blocks can get a Milodon lifter valley pan that stops lifter pop-out