duster in north.

''Drive'' season is about 6-7 months, when roads are ice free:D

i could drive in winter witch is very slipery:burnout::D in here, in mid to south Finland they put salt on roads so thats crap:protest: lucyly not here.

now roads in here look like this
link to road camera close where i live

found this thread and there were picture of shock plate from 7 1/4 used in 8 1/4, i will be doing same thing.

reason i will do some ''weird'' things like reusing shock plates and using rear from f-body is because parts here are harder to find and cost more than in USA. A-bodys rear axles are hard to find, well 7 1/4 are easy:)

cleaning duster in winter notice icicles hanging on farms roof :)
this picture is from last year, notice CA plates

Deere, tractor from usa, made in germany