Got My First Warning For Having Junk Car(s) On My Property!

i have not had any trouble with by-law enforcement as of late but i have in the past, due to to many uninsured vehicals in the yard. or some thing like that well this went on for a while, what finaly ended it was when i got a copy of the bylaws that the cars came under, this inclueded weeds, glass and construction materials. you know everything that you find in people (ok normal peoples) back yards.

well i found out through a friend that this officer lived around the corner from us as well and he was also bracking the law by storing window glass in his back yard. when he showed up to see if i had complied with the enforcment rules, which i had, i then proceded to make about 50+ complaints about all the people that lived in our neighbour hood. most were about weeds that they were going to cut down any way and all of them i gave the heads up on what i was doing. all except the officer and the guy that made the original complaint.

the look on the officers face when i gave him his own address was priceless and also the reason, i said that theses were all offical complaints and that i wanted them all delt with asap. he just stood there with his mouth open and walked away, the glass disapeared and i nor my parent have had a visit from him since. most of the peolpe in the neighboure hood said that he didn't come talk to them which is ok.

good luck with your city officals and get a copy of the bylaws for your area to see if what they are doing is right, and for all you know the sob that made the complaint may also be braking the rules as well. and as a consered neighbour you wouldn't want any wone to have to look at the weeds in his/her lawn