crack smoker

Picture this, if you will: At work, I keep a separate browser window open very narrow, so as not to draw too much attention to my personal viewing. Probably 300 pixels or so high. So I opened the link, and all I could initially see is the ad copy. Ok, I'm wondering about a factory gull wing and sharks tooth on a 318 car, but whatever. I scroll down to the first pic (only can see one pic at a time the way I'm viewing). Gee, that's really not as bad as those guys are making it out to be. Maybe not a $4k car, but neither is mine (and I'd ask that much if I were selling). Then I continue to scroll... Each horrific view more morbid and disgusting than the last. Long story short, if I were to sell mine, I'd advertise in the Dallas Craigslist. I guess they are rare expensive cars out that way.