Hyd. TOB Kiesler- Any News?

OK. My friend got his trans back together and started tinkering with the parts he got (they are from Tilton, by the way). The TO bearing looks great, so does the bearing retainer, however, the bearing retainer is the wrong size. The bolt circle is too big for his trans. Hopefully, he will post pics here.

The guy he spoke to at Tilton claimed there was only one size bearing retainer. He was informed that this was incorrect. Supposedly, he will forward the info to the production guys, but doesn't anticipate that they will make any other size since they think there is little demand. Here's where we come in. Everyone with any a body who wants a hydraulic clutch linkage needs to call Tilton and ask about it. If they get enough calls, maybe they will do something!

As far as Keisler is concerned, they can take a flying leap. Don't call them, don't give them any money. They don't deserve it!