My rebuild has started!

Today, the rebuild of my 67 Barracuda convt. has started. I found the paint and body man that I want to work on my car and believe me that was not easy. He showed up this morning at my home and looked my car over and told me how he would be doing the work and why he would do the work that way. this ment alot to me, as he told me, "no short cuts" I know what you want and I will give you what you want or you don't pay.
I have heard from other people that this body and paint man dose real good work.
It now is his only job and he is not moon lighting, so I am hopeing for the best.
I have to do some work before I take the car shell to him for the work, so this next few weeks I myself will be quite busy removing the 273 engine, all the seats and other parts that I can remove to make his job just a bit easier. He told me that his time with the car would be between two and three months. I am planning on staying on top of the progress of the car and takeing pictures along the way, I plan on keeping all of you informed. Thanks for you time. Zippie#7