To Restore or Not to Restore

All of these posts pose excellent points of interest. All covering relative issues of "to restore or not to restore". If you have never fully and correctly restored a car in the past and if you do not posess the resources necessary to do so, whether it be financial and or equipment/connections with equipment, it can be a difficult journey to put it mildly! Several members have stated that a full on properly executed restoration can net you an absolute show stopper that may not be and most likely won't be a money maker! I couldn't agree more. I have been involved with full auto restoration my entire life and have worked on some rare vehicles (some very rare) both foreign and domestic and most of them that have gone up for sale depend on the same thing year end and year out. What will the market support this year?
I recommend a come to your senses reality check when it comes to building a car to any level. If you wish to experience the joy, trials, and tribulations that come with a build you perform yourself, if you desire to feel the intense pride that comes from creating your very own personal rolling work of art, then go for it! If you want to build a vehicle that will net you a respectable profit in the end then good luck. That's a heck of a lot of pressure to put on yourself even if the car is super rare and it becomes a very clinical process which in most cases, sucks the joy right out of the process. The way I look at a potential car build is that if I cannot enjoy it, then I don't want it! Just my 10 cents :-)