Boys Will Be Boys Boys Will Be Boys

Great stories here!! LMAO!! When I was around 11 0r 12 at the end of our road was a back way to get into the local dump. Well being a Sunday and the dump being closed, we all trecked down the road with our pellet guns to head to the dump for target practice. So we were at the dump for about 1/2 hour shooting whatever did or didnt move. We stumbled across a decent sized stash of some 70's Playboy books....well that got our testosterone going, so we decided to grab some 1/2 full spray bombs and use them as flame throwers. We thought we would be smart and pull the old mattress out of the mound of garbage and shoot flames at it. As we were just starting to make some progress with the flames, we spotted a truck coming in!! We knew the dump was closed, so someone must have spotted us or something and made a call. Well we all ran and hid in behind some hills...we were freaking out the pellet guns were God knows where, and my friends gun has his name carved in it, and his dad is a local cop! So we continue hiding and every minute or so we peek up to see if they are gone, well I guess after about 5 minutes we pop our heads up and the whole frickin dump is on fire!! I mean the whole dump!! Well pellet guns be damned Im running home.....I aint the dumbass that carved his name in the stock of the gun! About 1/2 way home we could all hear the firetrucks coming and we were all trying to come up with stories.....all our parents knew we went to the dump to scrounge. Well after getting home and freaking out for an hour or so.....I remember this so vividly. Dad was shaving in the bathroom and I said Dad I have something to tell you....he says yeah??? I lit the dump on fire.....WHAT??? No WE lit the dump on fire....JESUS CHRIST IS THAT WHAT THE SIRENS ARE FOR??? I think so....Well he gets on the phone and calls the FD(Dad is an excop and my buddy's dad is a cop) and talks to them and then hands me the phone. I get a bit of a lecture, but got off light really. They had 2 trucks and about 6-8 firemen there for a couple hours. No more scrounging at the dump for 70's ****.....had to sort thru dads stash for that. The stuff we did and lived thru without killing anyone is amazing! Love all these reminiscing stories.