Correct plugs for electronic ign.? 273 auto

Plugs don't need to be any different for electronic ignition.

You can do some simple tests to see what's going on


ok, things i have done so far -changed all plugs, leads, cap, arm and coil (which i will now double check for suitability) i have checked i have a good spark with all 8 plugs, and i am happy (now) with the application of NGK bpr6es plugs. I have compression tested all cylinders as written in the Chilton hand book! she purrrrrrs on tick over and revs freely standing still, but put her in drive and go down the road she misfires like a bride after a hen night and sounds as bad as one too! she struggles to get over 50mph and i have seen this car pass me doing 100mph happily before the previous owner 'tinkered' with the ignition. the electronic ign seems (?) to be fitted ok, but i have no reference to its fitting, only that as stated above she purrrs. The coil was pointed out as an option and i will double check that this weekend, if not i guess the next step is under fueling from the old 2bbl carb, so a strip down is due, should be fun, haven't done that in 20 years! :!