Pet peeve at the local track - pit parking

Whats worse is when you pay for a reserve spot and you get there late and someone has taken it. Then you go to a track official and they tell you to find another spot because there is to many cars driving to move them. And then you get stuck out near the woods in a mud puddle.

Then just when you think it can't get worse. The same guy is in that spot the following week. I flipped out. The third week I was moved down one spot to let this guy park next to his buddy in my paid spot for three years so they can share a generator. These guys thought this was funny.

Thats when the spat went to the track. My son took the intruder out 2 weeks straight. and destroyed their car. On the third week they couldn't get their car fixed but still took our spot with a pickup. Then my son went after the freind that told him to take our spot. They are not smiling any more. Can't wait until this season. We will be there early and take our original spot and split them up. If they run their generator cord under our trailer we will cut the cord .

Sounds like a little friendly competition LOL. And you pay for that?

Yeah Mark, we need a big Mopar banner to hang in front of OUR pits.