For those "youngsters" out there from us over 40

I was born in 59 and I tell my kids that was the last of the old models.I started working with my Dad when I was still in single digits selling produce(thats fruit and vegetables for you younguns)door to door from an old Dodge bus with the seats removed.He paid me a dollar a day(which started at 5am and lasted to 6pm) we drove from street to street and would pull to the curb and honk the horn and people would come out and get on the bus and buy their groceries. I would carry bags in for ladies and sometimes they would tip me a quarter or fifty cents. Sometimes he would drop us on the corner with a flat of strawberries or blackberries and we would walk down the street screaming straaawwwberriiees at the top of our lungs. My wife (who really grew up poor) said to me once that my childhood must have been terrible, but I told her that my childhood was great because I got to do things and see things that other kids only dreamed about. We sold produce to bars to use on their hot tables so I was eating great food in bars from the time I was born sitting up on the stool with guys drinking beer on both sides of me and sometimes if we were in a bad neighborhood my Dad would give me his pistol when he would go into a place and tell me to guard the bus (and his bag of money) while he was in there. How many 10 year olds got permission from their Dads to shoot people at their own discretion as a part of everyday life?. I learned everything I know and everything I have taught my kids about life,making money,work ethic,and doing things right from my Dad and the situations he put me in and the input I got when I didnt do it right. I wouldnt trade places with this generation for nothing, who would want to live their lives under such constant scrutiny and with so little real world guidance. Their expectations are set by MTV and reality TV. My respect goes out to any of them that survive it.