Street racing your fave place...(in the past !)

Heh...Warrensburg High School is, for some unfathomable reason, set wayyyy back off the highway. How far? Precisely 1/4 mile. There's even a stoplight where the driveway meets the highway, and the driveway is closed on the school end. So you sit there waiting on the light, your buddy is in the turn lane looking for all intents and purposes like he's making a left and when the coast is clear and when the light changes...:burnout:

Shucks, there's even a carwash nearby for a freebie burnout pit.

The driveway runs past the school for access to the ag/fab area behind, so there's a great shutdown area. They've connected this to a country road since then ('96) so it still works as a strip, and it's even easier to avoid lightbar types. It's straight as an arrow and except for a small dip crossing the highway (which teaches you traction control really quick), flat as a board.

Proof (Bottom one is view facing south). I hope I haven't accidentally included enough info to incriminate myself and if anyone sees this and tries it there, I'm not liable!