For those "youngsters" out there from us over 40

And back then "Made in USA" meant something - quality.

And Schwinns were made in Chicago and lasted a long time - not Japan and break the third time you ride them.

And you were brought up to treat other people's stuff BETTER THAN YOUR OWN.

And people actually RESPECTED COPS.

And when parents got a divorce society looked down on them - now it is a common everyday thing...

It was also looked down upon to have a baby when you weren't married.

You had a choice of regular or unleaded gas for under 75 cents per gallon. Today's kids never heard of regular leaded gas.

And gas stations had full service pumps where the guy would pump your gas and check your oil and tire pressure.

You could get your car repaired at a gas station. Gas stations were not "food marts".

And the old "drive in theater" where you would hide 3 - 4 buddies in the trunk to get them in for free.

When someone's dad "wooped his ***" with a leather belt and it took 3 days to a week for it to heal enough to sit down again - he NEVER did that again.

And NASCAR actually used cars like the ones you could buy in a dealership showroom.