Street racing your fave place...(in the past !)

in my hometown we had "the georgia straights" in mitchell and hwy 446 outside of bedford. rarely does anybody really race anymore in bedford.alot of the guys now have never even heard of these roads.

the georgia straights was a cool spot. at the intersection where the road began there was a speed shop that my dad ran in the 70-early 80s. he said late at night he`d be working and guys would pull up needing things done. as soon as he was done they`d pull out of the lot and line up right in front of the shop. the road had a 2mi straight stretch.

446 is in between bedford and bloomington and goes past the hoosier national forest. its nice and straight with wide shoulders. but at the end it does have some curves. lots of people have died racing there and running from the cops.

one of the latest ones was a guy in a ws6 was running from the cops and lost it. went into the forest at over 120mph.