thread of shame

i didnt get a chance to say this before the last thread was closed.i dont consider myself a whiner and im not trying to stir the pot. this has been an ongoing issue and i just wanted hear, once and for all, how others really feel about this .first off i understand that it all comes down to "buyer beware" but, my opinion is this, (not that anyone cares lol) i feel there really should be a thread of shame on those who do bad business and have ripped people off so that those of us (like myself) who frequently buy from other members can be forewarned of those who have chosen to take peoples money, and/or done jacked up business dealings. of course this would have to be a legitimate "burn" and not just one person woofing ****. anyway just my $0.02.

I agree with you in setting up some kind of "Wall of Shame" as Inkjunkie has proposed, that would be a sticky in the For Sale Section. It could also be locked at the beginning so that only Mods could post to it. And that's where the problem lies. The Boss doesn't want the Mods to be stuck in the middle of disputes between buyers and sellers (like where I get stuck sometimes) cuss then it's a loose loose proposition for the Mods, like gettting called an asshole by one or the other sides. So I guess what I'm saying is you really need to discuss this with Joey as ultimately he's the man that you'll need to convince. Sorry Joey for signing ya up again.[-o<:D