what do i need?

Wait a minute I told you to get that cam for the HP that you wanted and it would get you there but as for the springs you would need a good single spring, or a good dual and when we talked today I told you that I wasn't at the shop and didn't have a catalog in front of me and that I was working on a race car. And I also told you that there are some springs that will work that are single springs and that I would have to look and let you know. Yes I told you that you would need 130-140 on the seat and 320-340 on the nose, and that I would have to get back to you. I sure didn't expect you to be typeing as I talked to you on the phone as I told you without being at the shop I could give you a definitive answer.
Further more I don't like getting blind sided like this.

Kudo's, I agree!