Joe paterno dead at 85

The world is never going to know just what went on at Penn St/ if the police could had investigated years earlier they may have found more victims. Once 20--30 years goes on by, its very hard for the victims to speak up. Likely they have gotten married and had children, those kids are now teenagers in school and the guy life is going good. Are they now going to speak up and say they were sexually abused 25 years ago, heck no. They might not care but they do care about their family. If nobody knows about it and they guy who abused you in the past is just about dead, why put your family through the ordeal ?

My gut feeling is when people turn a blind eye is they are worry somebody they like will go down or they to might had been involved. Do I feel only 1 man was abusing the kids through the years at Penn St, heck no but that is all thats been uncover so far. The kids speaking out are in their mid to late 20's and I bet have no family they need to worry about.///

Now on the flip side there is really no proof any abuse took place. As for the guy's claiming abuse now, well if Sandusky is found guilty, those victims could each receive many millions from suing Penn St. So if 15 years ago you took showers with Sandusky as a teenager, you just need to say your were abused as well and wait for the check to come.

I've never been in to sports, so when I hear of men showering with teenagers I can't relate to it. I never would, not sure I could shower with other men, lol but maybe it is normal for some folks ?

I'm glad I'm not going to be on the jury, this is a hard case to decide it seems. Just cause there is no dna proof doesn't mean for sure no abuse happen but those victims stand to get so much money they do got a heck of a motive to say they were abused, even think they were abused when they were not.

I don't like seeing old cases tried, its how people end up in prison when they shouldn't. It has been proven people can think many years later that something happen when it did not. Your mind can play tricks.

Too bad Joe did not speak up, too bad nobody didn't. Now we got this mess.

I also feel when in doubt, let the person walk, why I had no problems seeing OJ walk. She was living with a crack head and maybe it was a big drug deal gone bad. Ron could had been the one setting the deal up and some Mexicans took the suitcase of money and cut their throats. That happens all the time in Mexico. The glove didn't fit cause the racist cop did plant the glove. No dna was ever found at OJ place. Ron returning her glasses was just a cover in case the police asked what was going on. $20--$30,000 or more was withdrawn from her bank account the days before her and ron was killed Now for some folks, that is just normal spending money for the month

If OJ was so cleaver, how come hes lock up forever now ?