what do i need?

DusterBoy15, I know that you are a very young local kid trying to figure all of this out but there is a wealth of information on this site that you could benefit from. By wealth of information, I mean professional auto techs and those of us who have learned all of the building/component choice mistakes (that you are/will be making) through trial and error. Do not try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, listen (listen very carefully), talk to people on the site that you feel comfortable with, talk to the tech guys from the manufacturers whose parts you are using and then write out or bang out on your computer a master plan for your vehicle (not just the motor). Everything has to work together in the long run. If you are low on funds (and I expect that you are with being 17 or so), still make the master plan and build/buy the sub assemblies (ie. motor, trans/conv, suspension, wheels/tires) to that master plan's specs so that all will work together well when completed. If you know what you realistically want out of the car, you need to put together basic info for when you speak to people to ask them questions. You will find that the master plan will go through several iterations/changes before it is done. That is fine; that is just the way it works. Just do not start buying parts before then. Again, the most important advice I can give you is do your homework and REALLY listen. Good luck.