thread of shame

a recent transaction i had went like this. i dropped cash in the mailbox. a week went by, nothing. 2 weeks went by ,nothing. the seller told me he had not received the money. at this point, i wrote it off as lost or stolen along the way. 3 weeks went by,nothing. the fourth week, i get an email from he seller stating that he had just received the money, and that my parts were on their way. the parts were at my door in less than a week. i know that the guy was telling the truth because he had already had the parts boxed up addressed to me and was just waiting on the cash. i understand our mail service can be delayed but DAMN, a whole month for one little envelope to travel a couple thousand miles??? point is ,i think that ANYTHING over 2 months is more than adequate time to make ANY transaction.

I have a deal like this going on right now on eBay. I bought some parts and the seller has sent them but nearly three weeks and they have not shown up. He didn't get a tracking number because he was trying so ship cheaply so there is no way to see where the package is. The guy sells $1200 to $1500 gutars so I don't think he would be ripping me off for less than $50.

you click on their user name, from the drop down box, click on their profile, and then you will see feedback score next to their contact info. i always leave a feedback score. the only pain in the *** is having to have deal URL. i have had many issues with that because they dont always take and you have to keep entering a URL until it takes, otherwise you cant leave a score. if the mods would delete the need for a deal URL, i think it would be more user friendly and therefore people would use it more.IMO

The feedback system is entirely too difficult to use and isn't on a members main page ID but if the system was improved then it could help stop a lot of these ripoffs.