thread of shame

a recent transaction i had went like this. i dropped cash in the mailbox. a week went by, nothing. 2 weeks went by ,nothing. the seller told me he had not received the money. at this point, i wrote it off as lost or stolen along the way. 3 weeks went by,nothing. the fourth week, i get an email from he seller stating that he had just received the money, and that my parts were on their way. the parts were at my door in less than a week. i know that the guy was telling the truth because he had already had the parts boxed up addressed to me and was just waiting on the cash. i understand our mail service can be delayed but DAMN, a whole month for one little envelope to travel a couple thousand miles??? point is ,i think that ANYTHING over 2 months is more than adequate time to make ANY transaction.


I sold a super charger on Turbo Dodge. The buyer bought several items I had and wanted them shipped together. He had a buisness account with FedEx. He Had them picked up By FedEx so he knows they were shipped.. 2 months go buy and I get a call He didn't get them yet. Can I give a discription of the box. I did better I had a picture. it was a hooker header box form summit and it was in the bacground of a build picture.

He conntacted me 3 months later and needed me to look at some picture from FedEx to him confirm that this is what I shipped in the box and contact Fedex. I did. I didn't see all of the items and explained that to them.

4 months later he contacted me he told me they Finally sent him the items. alot of the parts were missing that were in the pics they sent him. So he knows they were in the box. One thing was the B&M Blower. He is still fighting this battle Today . Its almost two years.

So I wouldn't blame the seller. Our postal system sucks. The web and emails took alot of money from them and the people there just don't give a **** any more. Your lucky you got them. UPS is the only way besides the US mail. And drop it off never have it picked up. The Driver gets a discription of whats there and is then left alone with it in the truck

Here is what was shipped. He paid a several G's for everything and didn't get half. But it was there in the pics from them to him. I insure everything for its value . But they have forever to Pay