Altered Wheelbase Project.

Hello fellow members:
A couple days back, I joined up with the ranks of A-Bodies It looks to be a great place to ask some questions here and there, and share what I've been working on- my second early Dart altered. The first was for Steve Magnante, of Hot Rod fame. In the process of putting his together, I decided I just had to be a player in the match bash racing that he wanted to re-live from the heydays of racing during the sixties. Well, today was the first day in over seven month's that mine has seen the light of day, and standing next to it in the sunlight, well, you know that feeling. Ain't no drug that can touch it!! It whets my appetite to keep plugging away. I can't wait to bolt on my Cragars and 10.00-15 Mickey Thompsons. My shop is but a very small place, but it'll be home base for what should be a wild ride in coming month's. Stay tuned, I'll try and post updates as we cruise along, 'cause stuff is really starting to come around now. Geez, its taken long enough. I know some of you "purist's" may be offended by the hackery of these cars, but rest assured, they are very pure and true representation's of the grandfathers of what we see as todays current funnycars.