build it to last big block guys

You guys are overlooking the most important thing.


Just build you a good solid foundation with named brand stuff & pay close attention to detail, break it in propperly & it'll last.

thanks joedust....not picking on anyone or anything just asking what trick and tips people use when building motors not even high hp even just a stock rebuild...i know there is a lot of good builders on this board and other sites thought some would like to share a few things they do and live by thats far as my stroker go it almost tog. gotta get head gasket ordered,intake gasket,and oil this is not going to have any affect on that .......but there are alot of new members that have some good ???? and al so given some good tech help..thats all this is about....and johnrr you dont have to say you are sorry for posting on my other tread its all cool your not the first person to say that stuff ,and i am sure your not the but this will help others and some stuff others post will help you,me,or one of the other guys you never any info you guys would share as to what you do and live by is all i am asking not a bash this ,or bash that..thanks i'mmmmmmmmm out mike:glasses7: