buying cars over long distances question

:blob:I am in the market for a dart. But in my local town of lake charles, louisiana there just isnt many around. Not a clean one like what I am looking for.

Anyway, I did find one that was listed in austin TX 7 hours away from me. Now I know this isnt very far but I was just wondering what my options are for buying over these kinds of distances other than just driving to get it. I mean I would have to pay for deisel to pull a trailer with my brothers truck, bother my brother, probably end up making it a two day trip, and all that other bull. Or I would have to pay for gas for a ride, bum a ride and then pay for the gas of two car to get back, one of which I am not gonna be completely sure of the reliability of.

What is the cost of having a car shipped? What about getting it notorized over distance. How do people pull this buying cars across the country stuff off?:blob: