Q: Carb to suit a mild 318 stroker

Dean, part of this puzzle is knowing where you want to be and how you wnt it to perform. On our end, there is a certain amount of knowledge we need to have. Otherwise, the suggestions we give in trying to help you out become general answer with only general info given.

The cam/compresion should have been knowns or the question should have read more like, "Help me build this" 318 stroker with this ........as my goal.

Your changing perameters around, knowing or not, and making it hard to help.

The above 670 Holley carb is a good suggestion for a small cam, under 220 @ .050 duration. But for what engine size, what purpose, what RPM, whats the intended useage of this cam and carb combo. Where will it perform? Road racec, drag race, in a truck?

Thers no one size fit all answer or equation to fit parts together.

Thrashard shows you a good place, Holley, to get a ruff idae on carb size but yet earlier I also said the factory equiped the 383 with the small Carters.
See how to places equip the same CID engines differently?
Did you know Chrysler also equiped the 440 with small Carters? The 600 or so CFM carbs. Go find a stock as a rock 67 Chrysler Imperial and find a small AFB. (Also note these carbs had no secondary air velocity doors. The engine was so huge that it could suck down the cfms of the small carb without penalty. As a 318 could not do so with a 1150 Dom.)