1961 Cast Iron 727 Torqueflite Specs??

Hey everyone!! Could use your help. I need some specs (clearances and stuff) for a 61 Cast Iron 727 out of a 61 Imperial.
The dude I'm building it for was severely shafted by Aamco Transmisisons here in town. They "rebuilt" it for him but he still had problems so he took it back....needless to say after around 9 months they told him to come pick his car up and lo-and-behold they had taken every nut, bolt, and part out and off this trans and put it in a box and baggies and threw it in the trunk of his car!!!:bs: Upon inspecting the parts....they really really shafted him! Does anyone on here think it's a good idea to weld on the center support/over-running clutch?!!! Well, I don't but that's what they did.:wack: They welded on the surface that the race rides against and just ground it with a rotary file. And, for some reason they filled in the 3 mounting holes and moved them back about and 1/8". Also, it appears they didn't install the bearing in the reaction shaft correctly because it is now out of its seat and firmly siezed to the input shaft bearing journal!! Well, I got a hold of another trans builder here in town to try and find some replacement parts and he called his supplier..well his supplier just happened to be the guy that Aamco called and practically had him try and rebuild it for them over the phone!!! He finally told them to bring him the trans and they wouldn't so he told them not to call again. I was also told that they tried to put some newer model parts in it as well...some of the other parts have grinding done on them too.
I have an ad up here in town to build 727's and 904's (that's why the dude called me) and have specs and what-not on these and have rebuilt a number of them but never been in an iron one. I need the clearances for the frictions/steels in the drums and overall end-play. Anyone happen to have a manual/book/something that has these?? I've searched the internet and have yet to come up with any results!!:banghead: And the other trans guy has never been in one either...his supplier might have been though...just though I'd hit you guys up first.
hey, try this. oldcarmanualproject.com it covers castiron torqueflite. it should help alittle. the site is a p.i.t.a. to use,but gives you the general idea. goodluck on hard parts.