Diabetes in the family...!??

Interesting side effect of alcohol processing...

According to my research- the organs stop procesing the raw food INTO glucose while it's processing the alcohol, this allows those food materils to pass further into the system.

If you keep a moderate buzz for a few hours and do some moderate physical activity, say like working on a car, you actually end up with MUCH lower blood glucose levels.

This happend to me several times, and perplexed the hell out of both me and my doctor.
Just this past several months, I finally found an explanation.

For the past couple of years I've been calling it "the beer and garage diet".

I had the best A1c results since being diagnosed during the rebuild of my steering and suspension system, when I was consuming about 8-10 beers in about 5 hours and wrestling with the control arms, T bars, spindles, etc.

Diabetes affects different people differently.

I'd advise eating at least your lunch and dinner early.
I eat between 10 and 11, and then no later than 6.

Also retraining to make lunch the big meal and dinner smaller is very effective.

Realistically rethinking the "food pyrimid" helps to. for us, it's almost like it needs to be turned upside down.

Man an I glad to see this ... diabetes runs in my family too - so far so good for me, but at least this sounds like a diet I can live with if I do come down with it. Actually it's the one I am currently on so maybe that's why it hasn't caught me yet!!! :burnout: