Our 72 Demon Father Son Project

they only made a charger a super bee for one year-71,so i kept telling my son !!! it's not a super bee. he would say it was i just could'nt see it ! about six months after we got the car,he got cancer-it made me so worried but when i went to see him in the hospital and asked him if he was ok-what did the doc say? all he wanted to talk about was what it takes to make a 73 into a super bee?...he's so smart , working on the car gave me focus & helped me thru* one day i said you'er plum crazy & thats what color we painted the (b) pic's of my son during keemo & after the car was super bee-ed !
That it one sweet looking ride, you guys did a nice job on it. I hope that your son is doing well and that you and he enjoy the car together.