Getting rid of 90 degree oil adapter

I have run into a problem in the past with drilling Extra 4 holes . It weakens the plate and causes it to push away from the outer gasket. This only happened at extreme RPM's but what a mess. You shouldn't have a problem doing the 8 holes on mild loose high volume low pressure motors???? I won't try it again. When ever you tighten this plate up the center is away and you pull it against with the adapter to seal the outer gasket first. When you loosen it it comes back away retrurning to its original shape and offset. With the 8 holes you will find you lose that offset after it is tightened and loosened. Just what I have seen after doing several on alot of motors. There is a reason for milling them but I am sure some would disagree. So we will leave that open for choice. You all can do what ever you want I am only telling you what I do and it works fine at up to 9000 RPM's. I use a remote off of a Modified 5 hole plate. Remember that center adapter holds the outer rim of the plate The filter looks like it does but it don't. It will fail sooner or later in certain motor applications . depending on Filter or oil viscosity. I only use Wicks race filters or NAPA Gold. 10w40 with zinc additive. I also drill pump and all passages to 1/2 dia. in block.