ping at high speed or foot to the floor

Between this discussion and the current thread on MSD v HEI, progress is being made.
On my part anyway.
Can’t and shouldn’t speak for others. I’m glad for honest questions and helpful answers.
If the FBO system lives up to advertisements, I may get a box, coil and cap just for kicks.
The price very reasonable. I think “Don” indicates on his web site that he is doing it for the love of Mopars and not the love of money so it might even be classified as a “good cause.”
More ignition energy should translates to better burn and better mileage, right?
The car I would put them in is already getting 23mpg.
Sounds like a win-win.

It’s a good thing Mopars are so reliable. I don’t have time to work on it right now.
But some day maybe.

Another thing is that I get knock under hard acceleration. (So I don’t do that)
That is why I decided to read this post in the first place.
But that is my problem.
I will have to find time to fiddle with my carb porting and distributor to work that one out regardless. (Qjet)
Cheap gas doesn’t help either.