At the end of my rope with this1

I don't have the original radiator or shroud,I've tried three 22" radiators,Ready rad pn unkown off the top of my head,Spectra CU526,and 1 champion EC374 that won't fit the 22" shroud I have p/n 3869837
....I have a Dodge truck rad (4140645)and shroud (4089574) that fit together and fit the car,I can recore and use,but would have to rebend the auxillary trans cooler lines I bent for a 22" Rad.(10" OC vs, 14" OC) and redrill both the mount brackets on the rad. AND my core support.

I don't have $500+ to drop on this,just looking to see if it can be accomplished in a simple manner,with a tried and true Rad./Shroud combo without hitting the hood or cutting my core support.

Just hoping somebody has something not too exotic they can attest to running well in a similar year car with a hot smallblock.
After trying 3-5 rads,I don,t think thats your cooling problem.Have you tried a new water pump,thermostat?If yes,then your water passages could be blocked.JMO